This is the dialectic. Sartre and Hegel.
Both slave to philosophy.
both slaves to the for-itselfness imbedded in ideology of totalisation.
Both masters to history.
and so, the irony.
The iron will.
The aestheticism that elevated their notions
nuance and finesse
from consciousness and reflective fitness
to cooling down intersubjective cooperation.
Permanent irreal contemplation.
howling about the ontic and the concrete instantiation
reifying praxis when the key is,
hiding subjectivity in the imagination
freely accessible when one pre-reflectively transcends selfless self-fully
from facticity through interpolation
avoided relativism and solipsism in sensuous situation.
The me that justifies itself
avoiding for-others and in-itself
without oppression and yet for itself,
ontologically driven toward the category
that is the only avenue to genuine phenomenological conversion.
Good faith post bad faith.
No overt expression of mere communication.
Experience void of self-deception
and BANG!
through Art!
You've stumbled so balanced and so clear minded!
Light footed and hot hearted
thanks to pure negation, we arrive, together,
detotalised-totality, in accepted alienation,
the sound, the space, and the immediacy
of existentialist authenticity.
As close as materiality and metaphysicality
can get to a humanism heavenly,
or a heaven condemned human to radical freedom.
The Geist relies on everything!
Spirit is modified historicalization.
It is a simple mutual
thanks to a mediating third;
between artist/audience
insufferably suffering with so much sufferability,
monk with ego in post modernity.
but better because -
The Work. The Work! The project.
Richard Rorty and Nabokov meets De Beauvoir's ambiguity
and Camus' infamous absurdity
we meet beyond sincerity
when we commit to being-for-the-work
so necessarily aesthetic.
Only through the aesthetic
and so wonderfully, wonderfully ugly
in its profound and deformed intentionalised unintentional beauty
lateral to its saliency
I learned just the other day that morals and politics don't play the same game.
But what I've known without knowing reflectively
is through play can be found harmony,
and there's one way to do it
a zillion ways not to.
Nobody can be free if I can't be.
and if one person's in prison then I am not free.
oh, the problems of radical freedom.
You know the look doesn't mean you see them.
You know the waiter?
We've all been one.
You know the Jew and the homosexual?
and the Thief's Journal?
by Jean Genet;
you're gonna be ok.
If you're the real artist, not the fake, you've got a fighting chance.
But if you're for others, even at a glance,
there's a special place
before transcendence,
that keeps people being hell.
In-itselfing the for-itself
Absolute degradation.
That's why they're Other; people.
Every moment,
when the book closes,
or the lights come on,
or the album ends,
and the vinyl round-spinning-whisperness comes.
Self-certainty at the root of inadequacy
is adequate when I'm me moving on
and you're moving on with me
without strident objectivity
other than what I don't ask of you
and you don't, ask, of me.
it's negation that's the conversion from bad faith to good faith
to that elusive and intangible authenticity.
In bad faith you can find it again. how bendy you gotta bend.
ontology is easier than psychology. I don't care if you're Badiou or Lacan.
whether you're Kant or Johnny Cash's boy named Sue.
The kingdom of ends is me and you.
Beyond that it takes being to find no-thing
and nothing is all the rest of everything.
Why do you think love is such a fuckin' thing? huh?
Why do you think love is such a fuckin' thing?
The dialectic gotta be sewn or thrown or creating itself perpetual
as consciousness and being are in constant (and must be) transcendence.
But there's a way, listen to me, there's a way,
to be the narrative situation
without for-itself/in-itself/for-others.
There's a phenomenological ontological category that's right now novel,
yeah right now novel.
"Get to work" the artist.
Get to work.
You're the hope and the anti-hope.
You're the truth and the non-propagandist.
You're the only voice that'll save us.
You're the only voice that'll save us.
Written by Sloan James
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