Open my mouth and comes out this please prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately!! fist just sit there like that bursting through to the next level of the warehouse ||said senior flight attendant Jan what seems to be the problem here?|| eat egg sausage what’s the matter why’d you bring those bullwhips here potatoes eat egg sausage potatoes eat egg sausage potatoes eat eat eat egg sausage pot {wash}[catfish!} atoetat egg saat ps eg spaghetti dinner Earth, g e {who?} y eat egg sage potatoes eat [w we hung your bullwhip e ca Who are you? n’t hear you] egg sausa immediately! stand by here until summoned if you do NOT your punishment will be both swift and severe prosembulage ge potat& Adam-5 oat egg sausage p Number 152 egg salmighty} e pes eat e {Carmen Basilio} a [catfish!} t eat egoage pot egg eg please prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately! g s {pillo} ausa [we can’t heau] gage potatoes[G in the crisis caused by the great big bang od Willing!] sage potatoes lab {“what life looks like inside to the math”, professor?}]] el no. 45 egg e {Jesus [pleas we resent having helped them and not getting even a thank you e speak up] Christ almighty} gg sausage at eggpotage eat potatoes oh boy egg eat egg my spaghetti dinner eat sa {who?} u N::said junior flight attendant Jon I can’t help you until you stop and say the problem:: umber 151 sa consists of metal strands tightly wound together wrapped in “goat” skin ge eat potatoes oh boy egg Number 151 eat egg eat sausage eat p {Carmen Basilio} ot {pillo} atoes oh boy eat egg prepar spg g [we can’t hear you] e s ea please prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately! t egg sae eat potatoes all’s a puzz = le all stumble around with no choic where we hung your e but to contin Who are you? ously so [please prosembulage speak up] lv ( two no mention of anything experienced except - behave in th where’d we hang your bullwhip? We hung it over there e way you’d expect them to, given their past e and then next what’s the matter why’d you bring those bullwhips here with you one prosem Nu bulage and next one and next and next o = h boy egg eage will you say nothing fist clenches tight potatoes egg egg sausage potatoes {wash} egg eat {wash gg eat sausage eat pot [God Willing!] atoes oh boy egg eo where we hung your bullwhip over there There tat Earth, o{Je::said sus Christ almighty} esind/memory machine tools, error traps, run-off diverters oh boy egg eat egg eat sa Number 15 pace that that y’ know? As God them2 usage eat [pleas [catfish!} Rstyj, Tdyuk, Yfuil, e speak up my spaghetti dinner] potatoes oh boy Who are you? (Want a fast answer? Ask big Gerald!) eat your bullwhip over there egg & Adam-5 sausage potatoes eat egg sausage potatoes eat egg sausage d Willin please prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately! g { oh boy who?} potatoes oh boy eat eat eat egg snausage potg sausage potatoes egg [God Willing!] egg sauatoess = Numb [p [we can’t hear you] lease spespaghak up] er 151 {Jesus Chris [God Willing!] t almighty} age the winner of each point stays on the court to meet the next team in rotation potatoes egg eat e {wash} gg eat oh |||the ball is now in play||| boy sausage & Adam-5 eat po Ugioz, & Ihopx. tatoes oh boy egg e hell is the matter with you at egg eat sau we hung your bullwhip s label no. 45 age ge potato {Jesus C& Adam-5 hrist almighty} es ea Rstyj, Tdyuk, Yfuil, t egg hell is the matter with you s Ug ti please prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately! ghter rip my spaghetti dinner pling out to the [please prosembulage speak up] other I mean oh boy you have just ruined ioz, & Ihopx. big warehouse job looking fo prosembulage r stuff “tight d” [please prosembulage speak up] eadines everything’s even in a differen ausage potatoes eat eat eat [we can’t hear you] egg sausage pota {who and he really wants to get the (all in different languages and formats and “et cetera”) re doesn’t want to will won’t eternal all’s eternal there’s no end but the end once that’s destroyed, then everything’s gone ?} toes egg egg saeat potatoes undertaking a study ‘bout some interplar yonetary “shit” – felt strangely drawn – but with no idea why oh boy egg eat egg e oh boy at sausage eat pot {Carmen Basili here a cafe materializes an oh boy d the polesitter who got the top academic job "in one fluid motion" oh boy’s chatting with a campus colleague y oh boy ears later reminiscing a bit meequatreenio quiet o} ato [catfish!} es oh boy eat {wash} egg saour bullwhip ovus everyone’s got their death date across their forehead but they cant tell anybody they see it or what it means and no one can see their own not even in a mirror age potatoes [catfish!} oss their forehead but they cant tell anybody they please prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately! se I don’t want e = verything in my life to be a clue to some puzzle I’ll never be allowed to yikes! you want to see what they’re seeing but you so here goes – v-v-v-v-BANG Voice 1: Hold it stop no come back don’t bolt out {God what enthusiasm we have “picked the right ones” {heeeere’s JOHNNY!} = now let’s not go blasting off on your limbs the way you did way back in the first time no no no NO! can’t want to won’t have to must will oh boy can oh boy do (Lawrence, Lawrence! You are such a card!) know the answer to e it eat egg s N Number 151 umber 151 ausage potatoes eat egg saus Number 152 age potatoes e {who?} at eat eat egg saus ||said senior flight attendant Jan what seems to be the problem here?|| ag Rstyj, Tdyuk, Yfuil, e pare my spaghettiotato {Jesus Christ almighty} es egpotatoes & A ::said junior flight atten the swirl inside the “seemingly calm” shell dant Jon I can’t help hell is the matter with you yo your bullwhip over there u until you stop oh boy and say the problem:: dam-5 egg eusa {pillo} ge pe potatoat & A prosembulage dam-5 & at this juncture—all seems apparently bonkers egg eat sausage eat t sausag (held in place temp we hung your bullwhip orarily by tightly specialized “damage-strapping”) e ea Number 152 t potatoes oh boy egg eat egg eat sausage [God Willing!] pootatoes there’s no God-damn reason for you to act so tense oh boy egg Earth, eat these sorts of extra-large po Who are you? werful machines must hey that looks like Mauve Spititsultanian be leveled usag {Jesus Christ a-do Jai alai’s played daily o’er the grave of the dead rotted down wn properly [God Willing!] [God Willing!] to a toleranc no no no no its what the the start of our vacation e of less than .00006 mm mmm mmmm (camera sound) gasps and spurts of disgust and amazement great big clipper shippe mm egg eat sausag [we can’t hear you] [please spe Rstyj, please prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately! Tdyuk, Y label no. 45 fuil, } {pillo} e ak up] e eat potatoes oh bo egg egg sausage at dinner immediately! oes egg atoes [catfish!} austatoes {who?} egg eat egg eat sausa losers go to the end of the line to await another turn on the court why? ge eat potat hell is the matter with you oes [God Willing!] otato oh boy egg eat egg eat sausage eat p Num Ugioz, & Ihopx Number 152 ber 1 Earth, 52 ota hell is the matter with you toes o{Je --- prosperous to before the big bang wn scene & sounds --- sus Christ alm Who are you? ighty Nu [list of things that have dates asso life in prison without possibility of parole ciated plea my spaghetti dinner se speak up] mber 151 } h bausa [Go!] t egg eat sau junior flight at your bullwhip over there tendant Jon I can’t help you until you stop an hell spaghetti dinner is the matter with yo we hung your bullwhip u d say please prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately! the problem:: sage eat potat {wash} o = prosembulage es label no. 45 oh boy {Carmen Basilio} mber 1& Adam Who are you? -5 51 eat {pillo + the end game’s to know wh whip over there at the “others are thinking” + } egg [catfish!} atoes eat egg sausage potatoeusage potatoes eat uve Spiti eat eat egg why? sausag because fruit cups don’t boil over e potatoes egg egg saus hell is the matter with you at these “2” are up to something = we gotta find out w (also hand crafted) hat egg eat sausage eat potatoes oh boy Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? please prepare my spag everything’s being moved crazily around t why? o all different places who’s the joker hetti dinner immediately! please prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately! please prepare my spaghetti dinner immediately! immediately! immediately! immediately! Tucumcari Close my mouth and comes out this big, (0)
Written by Jim Meirose
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